Harayda, J. 2006, One Minute Book Reviews,viewed 27 February 2012, http://oneminutebookreviews.wordpress.com/.
The Blog was created by Janice Harayda , it contains brief reviews of one minute or less of new and classic fiction and non-fiction as well as poetry for both the young and old. the scope of this site is massive,there is a catagories list, which is to long to mention each one but there is a heading for everything you could think of staring at A- Z Holiday gift list all the way down to young adult. The site is easy to use and not over crowded.
Janice Harayda is an award winning journalist and author of several titles of fiction including The Accidental Bride ( St. Martin's, 1999). She has been the book columnist for Glamour, book editor and critic for The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer and was Vice-President for awards of the National Book Critics Circle.